Supergirl S2E13


  • Mr. Mxyzptlk is fun, crazy, and eccentric
  • Not sure what kind of relationship J'onn and M'gann are going to have but I hope its more of a father daughter one 
  • I kinda wish this episode aired last week for valentines 
  • Mon-El wants to kill Mr. Mxyzptlk... jelous much
  • The parasite is back? and Mr. M had something to do with it 
  • Mon-el reveals that you have to get Mr. M to say his name backwards
  • Mr. M is putting a rift in between Mon-El and Kara and they are fighting as if they are married
  • Maggie reveals that her parents were not supportive of her coming out and is the reason she does not like valentines day
  • The duel between Mon-el and Mr. M was interesting and Kara stops the duel and promises to marry Mr. M... what?
  • Kara doesn't marry Mr.M and threatens to blow up the fortress with them both inside and tricks him to type him name backward... clever
  • Win goes on a date with an alien. I like how win gets to go on a date too
  • Maggie and Alex have a redo of valentines and make up 
  • Mon-el comes to Kara's apartment and apologizes and pick up where they were before Mr. M interrupted
  • Where was jimmy?


Mr. M might come back next season at some point
Megan will be back before the end of the season
I am interested to see if the Alien Win is dating plays a larger role in the plot for the season
