Supergirl S2E15


  • We find out that the plan for Cadmus is to gather all of the aliens on the registry and send them into space including Wins new girl Lyra.
  • Snapper Carr refuses to publish Kara's story about Cadmus having the alien registry, despite and exclusive interview, and Kara ultimately ends up publishing her article on a blog
  • Lena does some digging into L corporation and finds out where Cadmus has set up shop and almost gets herself in trouble but Supergirl saves her before Cadmus agents can attack her.
  • Alex's arc in this episode involves her dad which gets her suspended and leads her to make some questionable decisions which includes going after Cadmus by herself.
  • The ship launches with all of the aliens and Alex on it but Kara is able to slow the ship down and prevent it from launching the aliens into space
  • Kara gets fired from Catco because she published the article on her blog page and I feel like this episode seems like a lesson on breaking the rules.
  • The mystery Aliens are unmasked and they have arrived at earth.


  • Cadmus is still out there and now we know that Jeramiah is not all bad
  • Cadmus will try something else to get rid of aliens and something more drastic.
  • The mystery aliens are Mon-el's Parents the King and Queen of Daxam
  • Kara will get her job back ... maybe?
