Arrow S5E18


  • Oliver disbands the team and pushes people away because he believes that he is causing death and suffering to those around him and over the course of the episode and Diggle he comes to the realization that he needs the team and that he cant do things on his own.
  • The Bratva were heavily involved in this episode because Oliver in his "carrying the weight of the world mood" calls them in to kill Adrian Chase and in return they want drugs.
  • Felicity utilizes Helix to get footage of Adrian as Prometheus but Adrian was using a device to scramble his face.
  • I love that Curtis got to use his sphere to get the tech off of Adrian and after tracking felicity down it is revealed that Helix knows who team arrow is ... not surprised but dang.
  • While the rest of the team is saving hostages and stopping the Bratva from stealing from Kord industries Felicity and Curtis use tech to unscramble Adrian's face.
  • The team now has evidence and footage of Adrian as Prometheus and it turns out that the thing Adrian couldn't plan for was felicity and her tech skills.
  • The evidence is submitted to SCPD and before they could arrest him Adrian kills his guards and escapes into the sunset.


  • Bratva the big bad for next season? They could have it where Anatoly comes to his senses and wants to get rid of the Bratva all together
  • Helix could also be a potential issue for next season if not completely dealt with this season
  • Green Arrow a good guy in the polices eye again now that the truth is out
  • In light of the Black Siren news I could see her having an arc as a big villain for season 6
