Supergirl S2E14


  • The Kara and Mon-el dating secret didn't last long lol
  • Kara and J'onn fighting together to stop Cadmus was great and J'onn's power move that flipped the cars was epic and J'onn becoming invisible was cool.
  • Kara and Alex's dad is recovered from the Cadmus transport and reveals that Cadmus has a bomb and they built it with Kara's heat vision from when they caught her
  • I think Mon-el is right for being cautious about the sudden appearance of her dad
  • Big happy family ... or so it seems
  • Mon-el is causing a rift in the family and Jeramiah threatens Mon-el by saying that he knows who Mon-el is ... Who is Mon-el??
  • Lara is back and Mon-el and Winn have a bro moment
  • Mon-el was right and as soon as Jeramiah gets access he breaks into the mainframe and comes up with an excuse
  • Kara brings up some valid points but Alex refuses to believe her or think that her dad could be turned and working for Cadmus
  • They find the a location for the fusion bomb but it was all a hoax and Jeramiah is not human and his mission was to get DEO information
  • Kara saves a train (What's with the CW and trains) and Alex struggles with the betrayal of her dad while Cadmus, Lilian and Hank, along with Jeramiah escapes
  • Mon-el Listens for once and takes a pointer from Winn
  • We find out that Cadmus now has the list of all the aliens on earth which is bad news


Cadmus will start using their list of aliens and start rounding them up
Kara and Alex might have to make a tough decision when it comes to Jeramiah in the near future
We will find out who Mon-el really is ... Prince of Daxam maybe?
We will find out what Jeramiah has been doing all of these years and what kind of deal he has with Cadmus.
