[SPOILERS] Midseason premieres of #DCTV


I really enjoyed the mid-season premiere of Supergirl and I really enjoyed going to another earth and Kara and Mon-El saving the humans that got kidnapped. Winn got to prove himself and got to go to the alien planet. The other interesting thing was seeing aleins, including a dominator, and to see them bow to Mon-El.


Clearly Mon-El is not exactly who he says he is and I guess that we will find out that he is the prince of Daxam. Cadmus will come back at some point in this second half and by the end of the season Supergirl will dismantle them.


Flash is setting up alot of things for the rest of the season with all of the headlines from the TV scroll. For the rest of the season they will work toward changing these headlines and working towards changing the timeline.


Things will change but I don't think they will change in exactly the way they want. I think that the prediction of someone dying, someone suffering a fate worse than death, and someone betraying the team. will come true but the people it is talking about with swap out.


I really enjoy legends and the history aspect (even though I hate history as a subject) I think they do a really good job at doing things right. The whole George Lucas not making films affecting Nate and Ray because his films inspired them to study history and get into science respectively.


Captain cold will join the Legion of Doom soon, I think there are going to be multiple rip Hunters that the Legends will have to reunite. The Legion of Doom will attempt to collect the pieces of the spear and the Legends will at the last minute save time and destroy the spear of destiny.


Thanks to the promos we all knew that the laurel on arrow was black siren and it was revealed that Prometheus broke her out of star labs. The only person to question things was Felicity and she was obviously right. The end where we see Talia and then we also see the new canary.


Oliver will find Talia and she will help the team figure out who Prometheus is in the next few episodes. I think Oliver wanting to keep Black Siren close might come in handy maybe in the second half of the season or next season and Oliver will try to make her good.


  1. I suspect Oliver will manage to turn Black Siren 'good', and that the new Black Canary won't stay on the team for very long and will eventually leave, opening it up for Black Siren to come back and replace her as the Black Canary.

    1. I agree although I am not sure if they would bring her back as a regular for season 6


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