Arrow S5E12


  • Quentin is back from rehab and sets up an on camera interview with the Susan Williams and Oliver holds a press conference about the DA helping with Diggle's case
  • The general goes AWOL, the team find out that he is heading to Russia to sell the nuclear war head, and the team head to Russia on a jet
  • Wild dog is tasked with helping Quentin prep for his interview and keep an eye on him while the team is in Russia and Thea is out of town
  • Anatoly greets Oliver and hits him for killing a Bratva member and Oliver pulls the "you owe me" card to get information on the general but he doesn't give much.
  • Curtis helps Dinah Drake try to control her powers
  • Felicity, Curtis, and Rory go on a mission to get some help and Felicity puts on a very threatening act to get help and information to find the general
  • They track the Generals Burner phone to a church and get ambushed but the General escapes.
  • Oliver threatens one of the Generals men in order to get the information of when and where the deal is going down
  • In the flashback we see Talia training Oliver and we see Oliver take down a drug Dealer from
  • Renee helps Quentin by asking him some practice questions which hits a soft spot when he mentions Laurel as the cause of his drinking 
  • Rory confronts Felicity about blackmailing the guy and Felicity tells him that she has all of this information and he reminds here that there is a line when Oliver interrupts.
  • Diggle attacks the man that they have captured and Oliver bargains with Anatoly to finally get him to talk
  • Oliver and Dinah go on a mission to fulfill Anatoly's part of the deal and they talk about how his friends have changed like Diggle torturing the Generals men and felicity getting herself into something
  • Talia tells Oliver that he needs to return to Star(ling) City to deal with the list 
  • Quentin appologizes to Rene and they continue to practice for  the interview.
  • Oliver talks to Felicity and Diggle and reveals that he made a deal with the Bratva so that they wouldn't have to cross the line 
  • The Anatoly and the Bratva arrive with location of the General and they head out to get him.
  • The team and the Bratva ambush the Deal, stop the Russians that "bought" the Nuclear bomb, Diggle captures the General, Felicity locates and tries to disarm the bomb, and Rory uses the rags to contain the bombs blast.   
  • Anatoly asks for a favor and reminds Oliver that his Bratva Oath is for life. 
  • In the flashback we see that Anatoly was attacked by Kovar
  • Susan Williams asks Oliver about his scars and tattoos
  • Quentin's interview goes fine and Rene reveals that Quentin was a cop in his neighborhood and inspired him to be a better person
  • Rory's rags no longer work as a result of the blast and decides to leave and promises he will be back and Felicity gets a text
  • Susan Williams get information on Oliver from when he was in Russia and an archer that was in Russia and makes the connection that Oliver is the Green Arrow.


I still think Talia will be introduced in present day at some point to help the team figure out who Prometheus is. Anatoly will be back to collect on his favor and Rory will be back after figuring out what is wrong with his rags. Artemis will be back as well with Prometheus
