Arrow S5E13


      We start off my continuing the  felicity going back to her old hacker ways. I kinda like badass felicity but not that she is keeping it from the team and not at least questioning the information. I like that we get to see Rene's back story and we find out that he was married and had a child. Thea is back which is great news and someone shoots up the mayors office which turns into a political debate on gun control. I think that real world issues like this can make a great episode if written well and this was a well written episode. This episode was able to tackle this debate and was able to fairly represent both sides of the debate. Oliver is asked to give his opinion of gun control and he realizes that he needs to deal with this as the mayor. I like that the team members are each getting time with Dinah to do a heart to heart and Diggle was the perfect person to help Dianh realize that she needs to  have some sense of normal.
       The whole gun control debate comes to a climax when we find out that Rene's wife died as a result of a gun fight and Rene believes that if he had his gun he could have saved her. I think its great that we get to see Oliver as the mayor talk the guy down from shooting up the hospital. Now we know that the reason we haven't met Rene's daughter is because she was taken from him and but in a foster home because of an unsafe environment. Dinah gets the apartment and joins the SCPD which will give her something to do during the day and the team a play in the SCPD. The memorial at the end was a rare view of sentimental Oliver addressing the city and announcing the new gun ordinances that both sides can agree on.


Dinah will become the SCPD connect from here on out
We will see that council woman again for something before the end of the season
We will see Rene fight to get custody of his daughter back
Diggles military case will come back up
Oliver will find out that Adrian is the vigilante.
