Flash S3E12


  • Wally and Barry are going to race, everyone places a bet, and Barry wins because he phases through a building. 
  • Bary, Joe, and Julian are on a case of a rapidly decaying body and we learn that this is related to the future tag line about the restaurant reopening.
  • Julian and Caitlin examine the body and find out that the body has decomposed to dust. 
  • Wally is trying to learn how to phase. 
  • There is a second rapidly decaying body and Barry realizes that both people were cops in the flashpoint timeline. 
  • ELEMENT is mentioned again and Julian deduces that he, or rather Dr. Alchemy, created this meta-human. 
  • The West family meets Ceciles daughter and the meta-human, Clive Yorkin, comes after Joe.
  • Iris tells Joe that she dies in the future at the hands of Savitar and he is clearly upset. 
  • Iris is attacked by Clive Yorkin and wally is too slow to stop Yorkin from touching her. The solution to saving Iris is for Caitlin use her frost power to freeze Iris's arm so that the decay doesn't spread. 
  • Barry and Wally have a heart to heart and Barry aims to inspire wally to do better. 
  • Cisco vibes flashpoint and finds out the name of the last officer that took down Yorkin in flashpoint. 
  • Caitlin turns killer frost while Iris's condition deteriorates and Julian is able to talk her down. 
  • Yorkin attacks Joe and personal investigator Stone on the train and Barry phases the entire train through the rubble preventing a major accident.
  • Wally Phases through Yorkin and leaves some of his blood to counteract Yorkins powers. 
  • Iris is Cured becasue the team was able to create an antidote with Yorkins Blood. 
  • Caitlin thanks Julian for his pep talk and asks him out for a drink. 
  • Joe and Cecile say goodbye to her daughter as she returns to Coast City University and Iris and Barry fix their door
  • Wally practices phasing and Jesse quick comes through a portal warning that Gorilla Grodd has her dadin Gorilla City.


Episode 13 and 14 are a two part Gorilla Grodd Story that takes place on Earth 2 and Earth 1. The team is going to split up so as to not leave Central city without at least one speedster. This two part story will tie in and be related to the news reel about gorillas attacking Central City.
