Flash S3E13


  • Why on earth (haha) would Wells go to Gorilla City even if he was invited
  • Connection to the future headlines is great but what if going to save Wells causes the future gorilla attack not that I want to see wells die.
  • It is decided that Barry, Cisco, Caitlin are going to earth Two and they are going to leave Wally and Jesse on Earth one to protect the city
  • I though Jesse would have a better reaction to the reveal that wally is a speedster 
  • Julian decides to go with to earth two .. and covers for both of them by saying they are at a conference in bludhaven. I hope we get to see this city at some point since the arrowverse throws its name around alot
  • Speedsters honor? .. when was that a thing?
  • Kid flash and Jesse Quick teaming up gets an A+ from me
  • Of course going to Gorilla City was a trap ... smh 
  • Grodd is controlling wells and is somehow dampening their powers
  • Gorilla Grodd claims that Solovar is going to bring war to the humans of Earth one and that the only way to stop it is to defeat Solovar and let Grodd become ruler... I don't buy it 
  • Barry vs Solovar and Barry gets the upper hand but does not kill Solovar
  • Grodd is orchestrating everything so that he can take over gorilla city he is the one that wants to bring war on humans, specifically Earth one Central City
  • I like H.R.'s speech to Jesse about following your heart or you might regret it later
  • Someone had to "die" and they were very clever to use Caitlin's powers to cool Barry and make it seem like he died 
  • Barry is able to recover and free them and and they escape Earth-2 but not without the gorillas noticing
  • Finally #Jelly
  • I think I like Caitlin and Julian ... but not if he is going to leave/get killed/ turn evil I would like to see at least one of relationships last 
  • All is well in flash world or so they think and it is revealed that gypsy ended up on Earth-2 and she is going to be the mechanism for Grodd to get to Earth-1 with his army of super gorillas
  • Can't wait for part two


  • Gypsy is not bad she is just being controlled by Grodd and I feel like the team will save her from his mind control next episode
  • Grodd will come to central city but he will have three Speedsters plus Cisco and Caitlin waiting for him.
  • Maybe the team will minimize the damage done by the attack by helping rebuild or fighting Grodd in a deserted area
  • Jesse is not back indefinitely
