Legends of Tomorrow S2E11


  • Mick voices the intro of the episode and we see the end of last episode where Rip kills General Washington
  • Rip takes control of the British army, makes a plan to kill Washington and gives the British army riffles from the future.
  • Nate and Amaya are making breakfast and flirt when the team gets word of a time aberration from Christmas 1977
  • Nate gets to make a Hamilton joke while Sara devises a plan to save Washington as she realizes this is all a trap and that the Legion of doom want them there.
  • The team travels back to infiltrate a party to save washington and to fix the time aberration
  • Rip uses an EMP? to render all technology useless including Rays suit and the Waverider, shoots Sara, and leaves her to die as he captures Washington and Mick
  • Jax and Stein get Sara but are not able to fuse because of the EMP? and while Sara is out of commission she puts Jax in charge
  • Nate and Amaya track down the British army, Ray, miniturized, and Jax find a way to get into the engine room, and Stein needs to operate on Sara while Rip tries to get into the Waverider,
  • Nate and Amaya talk about dating and get ambushed when Nate falls into the river and Amaya saves him. Nate is suffering from hypothermia and Amaya gets him warm again.
  • Stein is able to remove the bullet from Sara's body, Jax and Ray find a way into the engine room, and Jax set traps for Rip and his British army men.
  • Nate and Amaya ... 
  • Jax hides from Rip and Rip says that if Jax help him he will reverse his Dads death.
  • Washington is set to be hung and Mick is slated to be returned to the American army to tell them that Washington is dead 
  • Jax turns the Auxiliary power back on and bargains with Rip by saying he knows where the piece of the spear is and Ray gets attacked by a rat  
  • Stein is successful in saving Sara but Rip finds the med bay and almost kills Sara after Jax tells him where a piece of the spear is and retrieves it.
  • Ray get Gideon back online and is able to save Sara 
  • Mick and Washington fight the British Army and Nate and Amays finally track them down
  • Jax threatens to kill Rip but before he does Sara is able to talk Jax down before he shoots and kills Rip 
  • Washington ans Mick share a bottle and hugg it out and George Washington is able to surpise the british army and America wins the war
  • The Team celebrates Christmas Ray gives Mick a rat Nate gets Amaya ruby red slippers from the wizard of OZ
  • Sara vows to get rip back and get the spear back


Again the team will continue to try to get Rip back. I suspect that next episode will involve another piece of the spear being found and the team having to travel in time to fix whatever the Legion of doom messes up.
