Legends S2E12


  • As expected there are multiple pieces of the spear and they are scattered throughout time and are guarded by people. 
  • Dr. Midnight is murdered in the year 3000 by Rip and Vixen is mad because she knows how Sara let Rip escape in the previous episode
  • Stein and Mick are great together 
  • Stargirl is in Camelot protecting another part of the spear 
  • It is revealed that the JSA's final mission was to recover the spear of destiny and keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
  • The spear was broken into 4 pieces one with Rip, one with Dr. Midnight, one with Stargirl, and one with Nates grandfather I'm assuming as Rex died and we have seen obsidian before.
  • This means the Legion have two pieces of the spear
  • Darhk is the dark knight and I am not surprised 
  • King Arthur is under the Legions command and they are using the technology that stein discovered in the year 3000 to control his mind
  • I really like Queen Guinevere
  • Vixen retrieves the piece of the spear behind Stargirl's back 
  • Raymond becomes a Knight and is a throwback to the picture of him from a book
  • Team stays and defends Camelot
  • Turns out Mick is the key to taking control of Rips army and I really enjoyed Rays power move
  • Ray's epic battle with Darhk gets an A+ as well
  • Why do they keep with these fake deaths I cant deal with it anymore 
  • Star girls little speech about finding a home makes me wonder if they are going to keep Amaya Vixen on the team
  • The team captures Rip finally but of course Gideon listens to Rips commands and we get a little teaser and suggestion as to what Rip is going to get himself into


  • Rip is going ti take control of the ship somehow
  • The team needs to find the last piece of the spear before the legion of doom does
  • Also the team needs to find a way to fix Rip... I wonder if Gideon can fix him.
