[Spoliers] #DCTV Week two 2017



Livewire is back
Mon-el becoming a hero and risking the lives of civilians to protect Kara
Kara finds out that James in Gaurdian
Twist: Leslie has been abducted
James and Mon-el try to prove themselves to Kara
Kara Saves the day
Leslie is at large
Mon-el Confesses his love for Kara + Awkward high five

M'gann is in a coma, J'onn Saves her
White Martians are coming


I like that Mon-el is trying to be a hero and I understand his motive behind saving Kara. I appreciate that J'onn had to get over his hatred and forgive M'gann and now that they have shared memories he now understand her and knows how she betrayed her kind. This is important for the future.


Next episode is going to be very martian based and we will see our Heros fight the white martians. J'onn and M'gann's relationship will continue to grow the rest of the season and it will become more of a father daughter relationship. Also I wold be willing to bet that this is not Mon-el's Final suit.




Gypsy arrives to collect H.R. because interdimentional travel is forbidden
Cisco challenges her to trial by combat while also trying to ask her on a date
Barry and H.R. try to ambsh Gypsy and fail
Julian finds a strategy for cisco which he uses to defeat her.
Gypsy returns to Earth-19 while making it clear the H.R. will not ever return to Earth-19

Iris is  working a story that everyone in her life is telling her to drop
Wally Helps Her bust the Drug Dealer
Joe is upset by this and starts to suspect a secret is being kept
Barry gets the idea that wally needs to get faster so that he can save Iris


I think gypsy coming to Earth-1 showed Cisco what he could do if he tried. H.R. not being able to return to Earth-19 makes things interesting. I think Iris wanting to leave her mark is going to be a driving force for her from here on out and I liked that we got to see sister and brother team up again.


Again with Savatar's prediction I think as the weeks go on and as things are changed the people who fit each prophecy (One will betray, one will die , and one will suffer a fate worse then death) will change. Ciscos powers have imporved and i think they will come in handy later in the season.


Legends of Tomorrow


The legions attempts to get rip to spill information have all failed
Darhk extracts a tooth from rip and find out about a safety deposit box
Malcolm and Darhk fail to gain access to the box, fight, and then decide to team up against Eobard
Malcolm and Darhk get into the safety deposit box and find out that it is rips memories
We find out that Eobard is running from the black flash and cannot stay in one place too long.
The legion alter rips memories and make him evil. and tease going to 1776 to kill George Washington

Martin enlists lily, his daughter, to help the team figure out the amulet
Lily find out that she is an aberration but martin and lily reconcile towards the end of the episode
The legends realize that the mystery speedster is Eobard and speculate that he has to keep moving


I think that it is was interesting that they decided to do an episode on the legion of doom. I like that they showed hoe Eobard gatherd the other memebers and when answers the question of when Malcolm was recruited. Doing this episode gives us an idea of the inner workings of the legion of doom and each of their hopes for the spear.

Eobard: Rewrite himself back into history
Darhk: Change his future
Malcolm: Change his past


Now we know how the different rips we've seen comes about. This is not multiple Rips scattered in time but rather the same Rip but this one is under the direction of the Legion. The legends will ultimately have to come fix this time aberration and they will be surprised to find rip in his current state. The team will try to get him back and will try to catch Eobard to test their theory on him having to keep moving




We find out that the mystery woman from last episode is Tina Bowland (Dinah Drake)
She was a CCPD police officer and got her powers from the particle accelerator.
Oliver finds out that the NSA is investigating walker but the file was deleted
Oliver, Curtis, and wild dog go to recruit Tina
She refuses and continues her hunt for the guy who killed her partner.
Tina attacks Sonus and Team arrow intervenes and helps
Oliver fails to stop tin from killing Sonus
Tina comes to star city and decides to join the team and reveals her real name Dinah Drake
Felicity Meets and hactivist that was inspired by her to get the NSA file

Talia Al Ghul helps Oliver escape and kill an associate of Kovar
Talia says that she trained Yao
Talia tells him to give the monster inside a name and gives him a suit


The flashbacks are always great and i like how they parallel to the present day. Oliver tried to stop Tina from killing Sonus just like Talia tried to stop him from killing Kovars associate. I am okay with the new canary and her back story I just don't know if they are going to give her the Black Canary mantle or another name.


Tina is going to become Black Canary (or just Canary) and be a major part of the second half of the season. We will see Talia in present day soon to help Oliver figure out who Promethius is. Also Artemis is going to be coming back at some point possibly on Promethius' side but by the end of the season she will come to her senses but I dont think she will join team arrow again.
