Supergirl S2E11


  • Kara is still a little frazzled from when Mon-el told her he liked her. Its Kara's 13th earth birthday (The 13th anniversary of her coming to earth) and we find out that Kara and Alex always do something to celebrate but Alex has other plans to go to a concert with Maggie. 
  • A White Martian, who we later find out is Karnak and was M'gann's husband, attacks M'gann and J'onn at the secret alien Bar. 
  • Alex feels bad about going to the concert and goes to the DEO to see if Kara is Mad at her when Karnak disguised as M'gann attacks the DEO. 
  • Karnak could be disguised as anybody and they devise a fire test to see who is who. Winn is revealed to be Karnak and everyone goes in groups of two to search the base for the martian and for the real Winn. 
  • Kara reveals that she doesn't want to be abandoned by her sister and J'onn vows to protect M'gann. 
  • J'onn and M'gann find Winn and Alex which reveals that there are two white martians. 
  • Winn shuts down the reactor while Supergirl fights the white martian that was disguised as Alex and J'onn who is later joined by M'gann fight Karnak. 
  • Kara tells Winn to be careful while out doing guardians stuff with James and has a heart to hart with her sister. 
  • Miss martian tells J'onn that she wants to return to mars to find others who feel the same way she does and returns to mars. Kara has feelings for Mon-el  


Miss Martian will return and maybe we will get to see what she was up to on Mars. Cadmus will be back somehow. Kara and Mon-el will have to come to terms with how they are feeling.
