Supergirl S2E12


I like how we get to see a flashback of the whole Luthor family and see the family dynamic. The poor relationship between Lena and Lilian is important to this episode and we find out that it is because Lena was the illegitimate child of Lionel Luthor from an affair. Lilian is broken out of jail by Metallo and Lena is arrested, based on doctored footage that made it seem she was involved, and broken out by Metallo as well. It is then revealed that the only reason Lilian needs Lena is for her to open a vault in a Lex Luthor facility because of her Luthor DNA. This just shows how sick and twisted Lilian is to try to convince Lena that she wants to be better just to use her in the end.

We find out that the vault contains Lex's war suit, atomic axe, and the black mercy which are all things that can be used against Kryptonians. Supergirl was right the whole time and Lena was not evil and Supergirl puts herself in danger to save Lena and Metallo's Kryptonite goes critical and blows up the facility while Lilian and Cyborg Superman are in the wind. Kara and Lena have a conversation and ends with an ominous scene that tries to make it seem that she will still be evil. Kara and Mon-el finally confess to each other but are interrupted by Mister Mxyzptlk as he confesses his love for Kara and leads into next episode. 


  • The Mon-el and Supergirl romance will continue ... maybe (The unknown aliens might stop it)
  • We will find out who the unknown aliens are and who Mon-el truly is
  • We will see Lilian Luthor as well as Cadmus again as they are the big bad of the season
  • We will know for sure weather Lena is evil or not by the end of the season 
  • We will see superman again before the end of the season ... maybe?
