Arrow S5E15


  • Oliver is going to go under impeachment proceedings and Oliver wants Thea to fix what she did to Susan
  • Adrian tries to resign and insinuates that Oliver is going to loss the trial
  • Mr. Terrific actually gets to build and invent stuff which is reminiscent of him when we meet him in Palmer Tech and he made himself drones
  • Oliver asks Felicity (his ex) to help him with Susan  which is awkward enough and he offers hope for Oliver
  • The vigilante is after Oliver because of his impeachment this fact and last weeks episode where we saw vigilante while Adrian was in the hospital makes me think that Adrian is not Vigilante.
  • Susan is clearly not happy and Diggle questions felicity and her Pandora flash drive.
  • Vigilante attacks the mayors limo trying to get to Oliver and Adrian chase shows up later
  • Thea suggests to Felicity to use Pandora to get dirt on one of the councilmen and sway the vote
  • Adrian chase gets in the way and takes the one clue that team arrow has from vigilante this could mean that he is vigilante or could Adrian be Prometheus?
  • Curtis get his T-Spheres
  • Prometheus versus vigilante and Prometheus wins by throwing him off the roof... Prometheus is Adrian Chase??? then who is vigilante?
  • I love when Diggle gets to have a heart to heart with people
  • Oliver plans to solve his problems by putting it all on the Green Arrow
  • The team goes after vigilante using Curtis's T spheres
  • Oliver blames everything on Green Arrow and calls for the Green Arrow to be seen as a problem and something that is holding the city back
  • Susan gets her job back and Oliver does not get Impeached
  • Thea decides to leave her position in the mayor office so that she can go figure herself out
  • Curtis is getting a divorce from Paul :( and felicity joins Helix
  • Adrian Chase meets Susan to get her to do a story


Adrian is going to get Susan to do a story on Oliver being the green arrow
The team is going to find out who Prometheus is sooner or later
Thea will be back I'm sure
If Paul and Curtis are really gonna get a divorce I hope Curtis can find someone else
