Arrow S5E16


  • Oliver tracks down Talia to an undisclosed location in the mountains and we find out that she knowingly trained Prometheus, who she reveals as Adrian Chase, to avenge his fathers death because Oliver killed her father Ra's Al Ghul.
  • Oliver confronts Adrian and he reveals that he has kidnapped Susan and has effectively put Oliver in checkmate (hence the title of the episode).
  • After meeting the team searches Adrian's House and his mothers house to find Susan but again he is 10 steps ahead of the team and the SCPD is there at Adrian's house.
  • Oliver is worried about Felicity and again the one thing in DCTV is that keeping a secret always blows up against them, but felicity has information on Adrian.
  • Felicity is asking a lot of Helix and they want her to do something for them so that they can help her find out where Susan is based on the video that was recovered.
  • Oliver calls for the Green Arrow to turn himself in in 24 hours and Pike is attacked and badly injured outside of the SCPD after Oliver gives him a lead on Adrian.
  • Oliver threatens Adrian and threatens to kill him once they find Susan and Oliver lets out his frustration out on the Cave while Felicity enlists Curtis to help her hack Border patrol drones
  • Adrian Diggle is awesome and is there to have heart to hearts with people and I love it and he reminds Oliver that caring about people is human despite making him vulnerable.
  • The team finds the location of Susan was in the video and search the building floor by floor but there are bombs in the building and Prometheus is there to confront Oliver
  • Diggle brings Adrian's wife to the building and now she knows that he is Prometheus but Adrian stabs her (man he is ruthless)
  • Oliver and Prometheus fight and Talia shoots Oliver and helps Prometheus
  • Before they can take Susan to the police to make a statement Adrian is there and has already told the police that the green arrow killed his wife and the team cant do anything about it or else Oliver will get hurt
  • Prometheus doesn't want to kill Oliver he wants to help Oliver discover who he really is


  • Adrian is going to put Oliver through hell and bring out the worst in him
  • Adrian is going to somehow make it seem like the mayor is the Green Arrow as he will be missing
  • Felicity's involvement with Helix will come back and bite her in the but
  • Oliver's Son was mentioned maybe we'll see him this season
