Arrow S5E17


  • Adrian reveals why he choose the Prometheus name and in the flashback Oliver helps stop a government takeover by Kovar with the help of Malcolm Merlyn.
  • Adrian is trying to get Oliver to confess a secret by using torture and threatening his friends and family, including Oliver's son.
  • In the flashback Oliver and Anatoly try to stop Kovar from getting Poisonous gas and Oliver tortures on of Kovar's men to get information out of him.
  • Oliver gets in contact with Diana and Vlad's mother and she agrees to help them take down Kovar and stop Kovars plan to gas his casino with government officials in it
  • Adrian makes Oliver fight Evelyn (Artemis) to try to remind him if the secret he wants Oliver to admit but he refuses and Adrian ends up killing Evelyn himself.
  • Oliver kills Kovar in the flashback and it turns out the secret that Adrian is trying to get at is that Oliver killed people because "[he] wanted to and [he] liked it"
  • Evelyn isn't dead and she was just part of Adrian's grand plan to break Oliver and show him that everyone he comes into contact with suffers
  • In the flashback they show Kovar being revived and Merlyn being involved and in the present Oliver is released and he tells the team that he is shutting team arrow down.


  • We'll see Oliver's son again?
  • Oliver will change his ways and he will be back to being the Green Arrow soon enough
  • The team is going to continue fighting Adrian and attempt to put him away
  • Artemis won't be joining team arrow again
Fun fact: Kapiushon roughly translates to Hood
