Flash S3E15


  • Wally is having visions of Savitar and hasn't told anyone ... now if there is one thing we learned it is that when someone on the team keeps a secret it ultimately comes back to bite them in the but.
  • Barry and Iris tell everyone that they are engaged and Joe's reaction was great. Joe does not like that Barry didn't ask him before asking Iris to marry him
  • They use Julian to speak with Savitar again and he reveals that H.R. survives and says that they caused him to be who he is and that the team will meet him soon.
  • Cisco vibes him and Wally to the future to see Iris's death and it is revealed that Iris didn't have a ring in the future and Iris now feels that Barry and her are moving to fast.
  • Caitlin has been keeping a piece of the philosophers stone in star labs ... AGAIN KEPPING SECRETS IS BAD NEWS!
  • Wally sees his mom that turns out to be Savitar playing tricks on his head
  • The team figures out that Savitar is trapped in the speed force and when Barry threw the stone into the speed force it gave Savitar what he needed to get out.
  • Wally thinks that he is doing the right thing by throwing the last piece into the speed force but it just gave Savitar what he needed to get out and Wally is sucked into the speed force.
  • Savitar and Barry fight and Barry is injured


  • Wally will be back but at least now we know why he wasn't in the future scene
  • Savitars Porphecy:
    • Suffers a fate worse then death: Wally (Barry, Joe, Iris?)
    • Betrays the team: Caitlin and Wally?
    • Dies: Iris
