Flash S3E16


  • Barry goes back into to the speed force to get wally out and while there Barry talks to the speed force through Eddie, Ronnie, and Captain Cold all people that have sacrificed their lives.
  • The speed force is not to happy with Barry and the choices he made (Flashpoint) and to make things clear future Barry made the prison that Savitar was in and that Wally is now in.
  • The speed force shows Barry what Eddie and Ronnie's lives would have been like and has Barry go through obstacles and trough locations to get to wally.
  • Barry says hat he wants to take Wally's place and is missing the point of the speed forces lesson that Barry needs to be the one to save Iris.
  • It is revealed that Wally's torture was reliving his mothers death over and over again.
  • Jay comes into the speed force and saves Barry and he takes Wally's place in the speed force. (Another person to sacrifice for Barry)  Barry and wally return .. Is no one worried about Jay?

  • Iris is trying to come to terms with everything and trying to figure out if it was the right call to end the engagement
  • Jesse tracks down Savitar with the piece that was broken off of his armor and is able to hurt him by using his own armor to attack him.

  • Both Wally and Jesse have been beat by Savitar and Jesse is going to go to Earth-3 to protect it while Jay is away. Why does she need to go to Earth-3 ... What about Earth-2?
  • Barry decides to embrace the future instead of trying to change it in order to save Iris and with that he says that he needs space from Iris In the mean time

Speed Force:

Location: CCPD
Obstacle: Time Raith
What life would have been like: Eddie and Iris would have gotten Married

Location: Star labs
Obstacle: Black Flash
What life would have been like: Ronnie and Caitlin would have had a baby

Location: Hospital
Obstacle: Captain cold
Note: Snart was inspired to be better by Barry and the reason why he sacrificed himself on legends


  • Barry will be the one to defeat Savitar and him alone so he needs to figure out what he needs to do to ultimately defeat Savitar and save Iris.
  • Now that the team knows that Savitar can be hurt when using his own armor maybe it will play into how Barry defeats him.
  • Iris is not going to die and I don't see the engagement happening until at least next season or the one after that.
  • Wally might unfortunately be on the bench the rest of the season as he processes what he experienced in the speed force.
  • We will visit the Speed force again next season.
