Legends S2E13


  • Nate is worried and rightfully so because if his grandfather dies he might cease to exist but also because his grandfather has the last piece of the spear.
  • Rip is able to override Gideon and control her and in the process he destroys the medallion that would have told when where to go look for Nates grandfather.
  • Mick suggests that  they use cognitive intrusion to fix rip and find out where the last piece of the spear is and Sara and Jax go into his mind and try to figure out what is going on 
  • Turns out there are evil versions of the team in Rips mind that Sara battles and Gideon is a real person. Sara and Jax have to battle and overcome their evil selves.
  • Ray, Nate, and Amaya go looking for the delineator and I love when vixen gets to show off her powers and connection with animals.
  • Ray tells Nate about Mari and warns him that Amaya needs to go back to her time and back to Zambesi so that Mari exists and becomes a hero in Detroit.
  • Amaya is a badass and uses her totem to subdue the dinosaur before it attacks them
  • After fighting themselves Sara and Jax finally figure out that Rip needs to be the one to over come the evil team members and take control of his mind.
  • Rip is Back!


  • I don't like that they are insinuating that Stein might leave and leave Jax my himself
  • Amaya will have to return to her time and will return to Zambesi because her team is gone
  • What if Nate ends up being Maris grandfather?
  • Maybe Mari will join the team next year?
