Legends S2E14

  • The team tracks down Nate's Grandfather to NASA in 1970 and figures out that his piece of the spear is a part of the flag that's on the moon
  • History has changed and Thawne is on the Appollo 13 Space mission and stuns the other astronauts in order to get to the moon and retrieve the piece of the spear.
  • I like that Nate and his grandfather got to have a little talk and we find out that Nate's grandfather is mad at Rip because he was not there to help raise his son.
  • The wave rider is going into space again and Ray gets onto Apollo 13 and finds thawne but he is caught and an epic no gravity battle ensues
  • Martin Stein gets to sing again lol to distract the command center from the radio feed "nice voice professor"
  • Nate wants to put his grandfather back in his time but this will have severe effects on his life, who he is, and everything that he has done
  • Nate gets to walk on the moon and retrieves the spear but he is stranded on the moon after the wave rider sustains damage retrieving the command module of Apollo 13
  • Ray is stranded but Thawne offers to help Ray figure out how to fix the ship with both of their knowledge since Thawne is a scientist from the future
  • Amaya tells Henry that him going back would change things and Nate reveals to Vixen that she needs to go back to 1942 as well for her family and histories sake
  • Thawnes reasoning for getting the spear is so that he can live as he compares himself to ray
  • Stein deduces that the waverider has sustained a lot of damage and could result in the waverider breaking up when entering the stmosphere again
  • Thawne tells them that they need to enter at 38 degrees to avoid breakup and the team needs to trust him before hey enter the stmosphere
  • Hank, Nates dad, at 14 is at NASA after winning a contest
  • Henry Sacrifices himself to help the waverider enter safely but gets sucked out of the ship and dies in the process. This leaves Stargirl in Camelot and Amaya as the last JSA members.
  • Thawne phases out of the cell and thawne leaves without the piece of the spear to outrun the black flash and keep moving
  • Rip says that Sara is a better captain then he was and Rip is struggling to find his place
  • Nate and Amaya make up
  • Amaya asks Gideon to show her her future and it shows her Mari
  • The team will somehow acquire the Legions pieces and assemble the spear and destroy it per Henry's request
  • Once assembled the legion will somehow get it and change history before the legends put it back and destroy the spear so that it cant hurt anyone anymore.
  • Amaya must return to 1942 in order to keep history from changing but she might do something to change history anyway
  • Mari vixen joining legends next year?
