Legends S2E15

  • The legends are going back to the vanishing point which is where the legion is operating out of to retrieve their pieces of the spear
  • The legion come up with a plan and that plan involves Captain Cold and using him against Heat wave to get information.
  • Seems like everyone is having flashes of something that they can change about history (Amaya and the future of her village, Mick and the death of Captain Cold)
  • The plan is to have both sides of WWI cease Fire so that the Legends can find what is necessary to destroy the spear and Rips speech was great.
  • Just as the Legends locate the blood of Christ that they can use to destroy the spear the Legion of Doom intercept and get the spear along with Mick
  • The blood of Christ is destroyed in their escape and the Legion now has the spear of destiny and a sort of instruction manual to use it
  • In the next two episodes we will see Sara and others have their own experiences with the spear
  • The Legends will have to fight and reverse the changes that the Legion of Doom make
  • One of the legends will use the spear to change something about time (Captain Cold? Laurel?)
  • The spear will be destroyed in the finale.
