Supergirl S2E16


  • Turns out that the mystery aliens are Mon-El's parents and they are the King and Queen of Daxam which makes Mon-El the prince of Daxam
  • Lyra tricked Win into helping her steal from a museum and we find out that it was because a gang of aliens has her brother.
  • Mon-El's mother wants to rebuild Daxam with Mon-El to lead it into the future and Kara obliges by telling Mon-El to jump at the opportunity to be with his family again.
  • Winn and Lyra go and try to make a deal with Mandrake and it turns out to be part of the DEO's plan to capture the alien gang leader and they are able to save Lyra's brother.
  • Tonight's lesson is on forgiveness and Lying backfiring on you as in the case with Mon-El. Kara breaks up with him and he decides to not go with his parents back to Daxam.
  • The Music Meister is captured and brought to the DEO and Whammies Kara into a coma before he uses the device Cisco gave her to travel to Earth-1 to get Barry


  • I don't think Mon-El's parents are just gonna leave without their son and never return.
  • I think Mon-El's mother will be the one to try to change his mind.
  • Kara will make up with Mon-El after her ordeal with the Music Meister.
  • Lyra will stick around to be with Winn once her brother recovers.
