Legends S2E17


  • I have to say that the tiny Waverider was funny although they should have put it back to normal size outside of star labs (not that it matters if reality is going to go back to normal).
  • I like the idea of the legends from Doomworld are time aberrations and if they are successful in keeping the spear out of the legions hands they will disappear.
  • The Doomworld legends are really bad at lying and impersonating themselves and ultimately meet themselves from episode 15 and cause all kinds of havoc (Timequake, Timestorm).
  • I think it was logical to have all of the Doomworld legends (that are left) sacrifice themselves to help episode 15 legends survive and succeed.
  • Just when they were clear Reverse flash shows up with multiple versions of himself pulled from time but ultimately the black flash catches up to him and takes care of Eobard.
  • Sara is the one that uses the spear to fix time and reverse the deaths of all of the legends and has a great little moment with her sister and Sara finally has closure.
  • The legends return Merlyn (2016), Lenard (2014), and Damien (1942?) to the exact time that Eobard picked them up and erase their minds which keeps the timeline in tack.
  • Rip leaves his ship and the legends in Sara's hands and when the legends try to go to Aruba another time storm hits the ship and they land in Los Angeles and see that time is messed up.

Legends Tracker

  • Last Episode
    • Amaya is killed by Snart
    • Stein is left in Doomworld
  • This Episode
    • RF kills Ray
    • Merlyn kills Jax
    • Snart kills Mick
    • Damien kills Nate
    • RF kills Rip
    • Sara disappears

Season 3 predictions:

  • Clearly based on the finale the legends are going to have to fix time and put everything back to normal after breaking one of the rules of time travel
  • I don't think Rip is gone forever
  • Amaya is sticking around for another season and technically she can because all the legends would have to do is drop her back off in her time and let history unfold
  • We'll get one new member of legends if any next season
  • Theory: The time storm caused the dinosaurs in Los Angeles and all of time is not messed up which means it would not affect Flash and Arrow to much.
