Supergirl S2E18

  • A questionable Jack Spheer launches Biomax, nanobots, in national city and all of the informants that Kara and Snapper try to talk too get attacked by the nanobots.
  • Winn convinces James to let Lyra be a part of their night time crime fighting but she takes it to far and Winn tells her that she can't help anymore and she reacts violently.
  • Kara and Mon-El break into Spherical using Jacks security key and find out that Jack tested the nanobots on himself resulting in him becoming the nanobots
  • Plot Twist: It turns out that Jack, or rather the nanobots, are being controlled by the Chief Financial Officer of Spherical. In the end in order to stop the nanobots Jack had to die.
  • Lyra is back fighting crime with Winn and James and Kara gets her job back at Catco.
  • Meanwhile Rhea of Daxam meets with Lena about a business proposal.
  • I think Rhea approaches Lena because she is looking for technology to help her defeat Supergirl and Lena will be oblivious to this fact.
  • I think we might see Supergirl and Cadmus team up to fight the Daxams (And Durlans possibly) and simultaneously end Cadmus in time for the season finale.
  • We wont see Jack again but we might see Biomax again via the nanobot injections
