Arrow S5E23

  • Digger and Slade are back and Oliver offers to help Slade find his son. Digger is actually on Prometheus's side when they find Curtis, Felicity, Thea, and Samantha
  • Oliver sends the captives with Malcolm to Adrian's plane to get off the island. Meanwhile, Diggle, Quentin, Rory, and Dinah are in a separate location.
  • On the way to the plane Thea steps on a land mine and Malcolm takes her place and uses the mine to get rid of Digger and some of Talia's men.
  • Slade fakes turning on Oliver in order to get Dinah a device to override the power dampener and to release the rest of the team.
  • Felicity and Thea have a nice talk about their bad fathers that sacrificed themselves for them and Curtis and Felicity find out that there are C-4 bombs placed all along the island.
  • As Suspected Nyssa and Talia have unfinished business and fight and we get a little back story on the two sisters. The two Dinah's fight as well and are evenly matched.
  • Team Oliver and team Prometheus fight while Curtis is trying to get in contact with them and Felicity is trying to take control of the C-4. Meanwhile, William is still missing.
  • Prometheus has a boat ready and escapes the island but it leaves Oliver's team on the island and William is on the boat so Oliver is forced to choose between his son and his team
  • In the flashback Kovar finds out that Oliver has escaped and he and his men have a hard time catching up to him. Oliver kills Kovar and he calls his mother when he is on the fishing boat.
  • The very last scene of the episode is Prometheus killing himself and the island blowing up leaving us to question who survives. I like the metaphor of the island being gone.
  • I'm assuming all of Prometheus's people left before the explosion so in terms of team arrow I think Samantha is mostly likely to have died with Curtis and Thea a close second if at all.
  • I think we will find out that Artemis died because I don't see her story continuing from here on out unless she is just out for Oliver.
  • Talia might still be out there and maybe we will get more backstory on Nyssa and Talia  and their father Ra's
