Supergirl S2E21

  • Rhea offers Lena a place beside her as she takes over while National city, the NCPD, and DEO are attacked. Turns out Rhea wants Mon-El to marry Lena to unite their people.
  • Team Supergirl has set up base in the alien bar and Lilian Luther shows up. Team Supergirl refuses to work with Lilian after she proposes they work together.
  • The president tries to make a deal with Rhea as the president and Cat Grant are traveling to National City on Air Force One. After crashing the president is revealed to be a Durlan.
  • The president wants the team to vaporize the Daxamite ships but Lena and Mon-EL are still on the ship. Cat Grant advises Kara that her hesitations are valid and human.
  • Kara brings Cadmus in to help and they come up with a plan to save Mon-El and Lena before using the positron Cannon on the Daxamite ship.
  • Mon-El and Lena agree to get married after Rhea threatens to kill people but Cat Grant provides a distraction, while Alex takes back the DEO, and Kara saves them.
  • Lilian backstabs Kara and leaves her and Mon-El to die when Alex fires the positron cannon but Winn had a back up plan. Kara stays behind to try to convince Rhea to surrender.
  • Cat Grant knows that James is guardian and the positron cannon disappears before it can be used. Rhea then reveals that she is in control of Superman.
  • The team is going to figure out a way to free Superman from Rheas control and he will be on their side in the final battle with the Daxams.
  • I think J'onn will recover and be able to help in the last episode of the season. and I think Cat Grant's speech will inspire humans to fight back.
  • I thin that Mon-El will find out that his mother killed his father and Lena will learn that Kara and Supergirl are one in the same in the final episode.
