Supergirl S2E22

  • Rhea is using Silver Kryptonite on Superman to cause him to think Kara is Zod, his worst enemy, and the two fight until Supergirl knocks Superman out and they go to the fortress.
  • Lena is upset and blames herself for what is going on and she has a talk with her mother who brings her a device that's is supposed to be capable to take down Superman.
  • Superman and Supergirl search the archives in the Fortress, Kelex is mentioned, and Supergirl invokes Dakam Ore (?), basically trial by combat, with Rhea.
  • M'gann appears as a hallucination and J'onn wakes up. Lena says she can convert the device to eradiate Lead, toxic to Daxamites to force them to leave but that would include Mon-El.
  • Kara and Mon-El go to Meet Rhea. Kara takes a few hits  and Rhea is not Honoring her end of the bargain and the Daxamites start attacking the Earth.
  • Mon-El, J'onn, Superman Fight the soldiers on the ground. M'gann shows up with other White Martians and Supergirl activates the device to eradiate the atmosphere with lead.
  • Mon-El is forced to leave In the Kryptonian pod but not before a heartfelt goodbye with Kara. M'gann is back for a little while.
  • Kara is forced to give up the love of her life to save the world and of course Cat is there to give advice and remind Kara of what she has accomplished and cat knows who Kara is.
  • M'gann a bigger part of Season 3? Maybe we'll visit mars next season and see how the planet works and the efforts of M'gann and the other White Martians that support the green Martians.
  • I think Lena will find out that Kara and Supergirl are the same person next season and will be an important part of her character.
  • I think Mon-El got sucked into the phantom zone and will eventually lead to the Legion of Superheroes although I don't know if we will see this play out on Supergirl.
  • The baby that was on that pod is going to be next seasons villain and we will have to wait until next season to be introduced to him or her (although I'm betting its a her).
