Freedom Fighters: The Ray Comic Con Trailer

Just wanted to make a quick blog post about the Freedom Fighters SDCC Trailer which can be found here: TRAILER

Things to note:

1. This series will take place on Earth X in a world where the Nazi's won WWII
2. I'm gonna guess that the series is going to take place in Oklahoma city based on the Oklahoma route 66 sign in the first few seconds of the trailer

In the trailer we see The Ray meet up with 4 people to help him

Black Condor

Red tornado

Phantom Lady

And a fourth character that I am not sure of ... human Bomb?

In the trailer we also see an appearance of the New Reichsman versions of the Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl.

This series and trailer intrigues me for a number of reasons. First, this is a completely different earth and it in a way expands the multiverse that the DCTV shows have established. Second I wonder what other heroes and villains we will see and what side they are on. Imagine someone like Reverse Flash being on the good side. Third, I would be interested to see if and how this character can cross over into the live action shows like Vixen did.

Additionally, if I am not mistaken the Vixen series is supposed to cross over as well so we might see her in this series as well.

The trailer has me interested and I am looking foreword to checking out this show on CWSeed in the fall whenever it comes out.
