Legends S3E04

Cool Things:
  • Ray is trying to build up trust in the team and Zari seems to have figured everyone out 
  • The guy investigating the dominators from last years crossover is hunting ray and dominator.
  • Sara gets caught by the queen dominator
  • The dominator can shape shift into people (Ray's Mother) ?
  • Zari uses here totem to lift the bikes up in reminiscence of E.T.
  • We see Zari in a Halloween costume reminiscent to the comic book character Isis
Top Moments:
  • Ray disappears and we find out that ray went missing and died on Halloween 1988 and the team goes back to save him and discover that he has befriended a baby dominator.
  • Ray and Zari "Break" into rays home to try and get the baby dominator out without consequences but ray is home and Nate and Amaya have to step in to distract Ray's mom. 
  • We find out that Stein has been using the jump ship and building a radio transmitter that he is using to communicate with his daughter and so he can be there for the birth of his grandchild.
  • Little Ray is captured by the secret government group along with Zari and the baby dominator but they break out and reunite the baby with its mom and they leave earth.
  • Stein gets to meet his grandchild and they named him Ronnie which is a great callback to Ronnie Raymond. Meanwhile, Jax asks Ray to help him figure out a way to break up firestorm.
  • Zari and Amaya are going to come together and discover that Zari's totem is the air totem from Zambessi. (Watch my video on this theory.
  • Possible cool friendship/bond between Ray and Zari and maybe just maybe a love interest for him this season? 
Next Episode: Vampires?
