Supergirl S3E02

Second episode of the season is here and here's what happened:
  • Morning Montage at the beginning of the episode with Maggie/Alex, Samantha/Ruby, and Kara and I liked that we saw Kara pick up her couch and the daughter questions Samantha about her ability to pick up the scaffolding from last episode which is interesting.
  • Lena comes to Catco to see how things run and Jimmy is a little uncomfortable. Kara has to run off to the DEO to deal with Psi. Maggie and Alex can't agree on a DJ or Band for the wedding. 
  • Psi is targeting banks in National City and uses her powers of fear on Kara and she sees a red sun and experiences cluster phobia. J'onn figures out that 
  • Ruby gets into a fight as school and Samantha is called. Lena called a meeting without James and he is obviously bothered by this as he has been running Catco for the last two years. 
  • Supergirl goes against Psi again and J'onn tries to use his powers to protect Supergirl and fails and she relives the moment her mother sent her off in the pod and sees krypton explode.
  • She tells Winn what she experienced and they now know that Psi is targeting fears. Lena is picking up that Kara is not telling her the truth and then gives Kara a lecture.
  • Ruby clearly knows that her mom has some sort of power and Samantha clearly just wants to be a normal mom and take care of her mom.
  • While in the elevator Psi uses her powers on Kara she busts through the building which is related to Kara's Cluster Phobia. Winn is a terrible liar per usual and tells Alex everything.
  • Samantha's daughter runs away as a teenager would. Kara Meditates to try to combat her fears and struggles to find a way to take care of Psi. The struggle between Kara and Supergirl
  • Psi attacks a construction site hear Ruby and they are saved by Supergirl. Winn develops a Psionic inhibitor ray that does not work on Psi and she "see's" Mon-el in the pod die.
  • I love that Alex is the one to help Kara get out of her fear and finally take down Psi. Alex meets Ruby again and Alex and Maggie differ on the opinion of having kids.
  • Kara apologizes to Lena for being rude earlier and introduces Samantha to Kara. Samantha tries to test her powers and it seems to not work. M'gann contacts J'onn.
  • Mon-el will come back and I don't think he will be alone as I think the legion of superheroes will be introduced at some point this season, or at least Saturn girl.
  • Ruby will be the tipping point for Samantha as it seems her powers really come out when her daughter is in trouble.
Next Episode: We head to Mars and met J'onn's Father
