Supergirl S3E03

Gonna do something different today

Cool Things:
  • The beginning monologue is back!
  • J'onn's car transforms into a space ship.
Top Moments:
  • Maggie's explanation of how her dad abandoned her after finding out she was gay was very heart wrenching. She eventually calls her father and invites him to the wedding shower.
  • J'onn and Kara go to Mars and his father is a religious figure and knows how to find a mythical staff that can kill all of the Martians that are part of the resistance if used. 
  • Maggie's father leaves the shower and Maggie confronts him and it seems that what he is most upset about is that his daughter will be judged for being Mexican and lesbian.
  • Kara and J'onn finally break through to J'onn's father and they find the staff and Supergirl helps them take down some white Martians and capture the staff. 
  • Maggie gets her closure from her father and reaffirms that she does not want children and alex agrees but this will come back to bite them. 
  • J'onns father will recur on the show and may be involved with the DEO.
  • Still predicting that this issue of children or not will eventually break up Maggie and Alex.
  • ANother Martian episode before the end of the season showing that resistance being victorious.
Next Episode: Thomas Corrville and a secret group of people come to National City
