Supergirl S3E04

Cool Things:
  • Kara, Samantha, and Lena meet and invite Samantha to girls night with Alex and Maggie.
  • Supergirl remembers everyone she has saved.
  • We learn that Thomas Corville saw Supergirl's face on the plane and recognizes her.
  • Samantha worries about being a bad mother.
  • We see Samantha have a vision of a cloaked figure. 
Top Moments:
  • We learn that the cult leader Thomas Corville was on the same plane as Alex and was inspired to start the "Children of Rao" for people who have been saved by Supergirl.
  • We see Supergirl save someone from a burning fire and discover that he started it in the first place as a way to get initiation into the cult because he was saved.
  • Kara questions Corville and he recognizes her as Supergirl and we see that he has kryptonian technology, which is discovered as an octahedron  and is set to blow up under a stadium.
  • The device has kryptonite laced soil and Kara uses the last of he power to create a hole that Alex and Thomas push the device into and prevent it from blowing up the stadium.
  • Alex is struggling with agreeing with Maggie to not have kids when she really want to and she breaks down after going to Ruby's talent show and seeing her sing.
  • Samantha is going to get closer and closer to Kara, Lena, and the rest which will make her becoming reign that much more emotional.
  • I like that we are getting small glimpses into Krypton such as the meditation last week and religion with week and expect to see more as the season goes on.
  • The kryptonian power source will come into play later in the season especially after the scene towards the end of the episode and maybe Samantha's ship as well.
Next Episode: Morgan edge is back
