Arrow S6E06

Cool Things:
  • Flashbacks to the island are great
  • We see Slade training his son in combat like he trained Oliver on the island
  • Diggle confessed to Lyla about the steroids
  • Diggle has to decide to let dragon operate and continue getting the steroids or take him town
  • It is revealed that Joe has a brother named grant
Top Moments:
  • Oliver and Slade are in Kasnia dealing with Joe. Meanwhile team arrow is going up against "Dragon" who is stealing weapon tech from various companies. 
  • In star city Diggle is looking for more drugs and we find out that the drugs are made by Ricardo Diaz. They go up against dragon again and Diggle realizes who dragon is.
  • Oliver is discovered by the jackals and Joe insists that he collect his "debt" from Oliver and in flashbacks we see Slade having visions of shadow and discover that Oliver is alive.
  • Turns out the whole thing was a set up to get at Joe and it is discovered that Joe is attacking the water supply. Team arrow attacks and dragon's whole operation goes up in smoke.
  • Joe gets away but Slade is not going to give up on his sons and he will continue to look for them. Oliver returns to his son and Felicity after his trip. Diggle confesses his tremors and Curtis is going to work on a solution. 
    • This not the last time we see Joe and we might also see Grant in the future. Additionally Joe might take on the mantle of death stroke.
    • I think its a given that Curtis will come up with some kind of technology to help Diggle with his tremor like he helped felicity walk.
    Next Episode: Cayden James is back
