Flash S4E05

Things that happened:
  • Felicity points out the lack of security at star labs
  • Cecile's daughter is in town
  • Looks like Caitlin is going to be going to be called frost 
  • we see a badass scene of amunet fighting Caitlin using her tech powers
  • Amunet has a meta that produces dark matter tears that she is going to use as a drug
  • We see the thinker attack the meta that the team rescued
Top Moments:
  • The guys get together and cisco start watching family videos but Ralph shows up and suggest the guys go to a strip club. Cisco made Barry something to allow him to get drunk.
  • The girls are having a chill night out and we see Narvak come and crashes the celebration and we see Caitlin turn into Frost. Frost then leaves to go talk to Amunet and end things.
  • While at the club the joe encounters Cecile's daughter dancing and talks with her about keeping secrets. The guys minus Harry are involved in a bar fight that Ralph started and get arrested.
  • Felicity helps them track Amunet down and the girls go to try and stop her before she sells the metahuman but they get caught and Frost comes in and saves them.
  • The guys and girls come together after their eventful night and Caitlin reveals that she is not cured. I really enjoyed the building of Caitlin and Iris's relationship and want to see more. 
  • This baby of Joe and Cecile's will be important in some way to this show and I suspect some kind of twist having to do with it.
  • Cecile's daughter will be seen more and I suspect we'll see her build up a relationship with the rest of the family and maybe be et into the secret.
  • Oh and Amunet will be back and will seek revenge on Caitlin and cause havoc for the team at some point later in the season.
Next Episode: Elongated man gets a suit?
