Flash S4E07

Things that happened:
  • DeVoe and the mechanic are college professors.
  • DeVoe managed to fool Barry when Barry tries to get his DNA.
  • DeVoe got his powers from the particle accelerator and it seems Thawne knew him.
  • his increased intellect causes muscular deterioration because his brain is sucking energy.
  • Wally is back! and he battled Starro while in blue valley.
Top Moments:
  • DeVoe designed the thinking cap and the mechanic built it Four years ago and DeVoe and his wife were at star labs to try to use the particle accelerator to power the thinking cap.
  • Devoe and his wife file a complaint at CCPD. Meanwhile, Barry is still investigating them and now suspects his wife is helping him as she also has doctorates. 
  • We see a flashback of DeVoe soon after the incident and his brain being expanded where he has a seizure. Barry discovers the camera in the Samuroid head in the cortex.
  • Barry is caught breaking into DeVoe's home and gets suspended from CCPD and a restraining order. The chair the thinker has allows him to live longer and stop his deterioration.
  • Barry confronts the thinker and he reveals himself to be the thinker. We also get to see him hook up and become the thinker in the chair.
  • We will continue to uncover and meet the Metas that were on the bus in the midseason finale and the back half of the season 
  • The team will now focus on trying to formulate a way to stop the thinker now that they know who he is and somewhat what he is capable off.
Next Episode: Crossover!
