Supergirl S3E05

Things that happened:
  • Alex is a badass and we see her break up with Maggie because they cannot agree on children
  • Jimmy is shot at a press conference that Lena held by people clearly working with edge.
  • The plane scene with Kara and Lena was epic and reminds me of a similar scene last season.
  • I love that the end of the Maggie and Alex scene was the two rings and was touching. 
  • Samantha discovers that she was shot at and didn't get hurt.
Top Moments:
  • We see one of Ruby's classmates collapse due to lead poisoning and Morgan edge is using this as a way to drag Lena because of her tech from last season. 
  • Lena is trying to come to terms that her device may be hurting people and steps down. Sam and Kara discover that all the parents of the kids have a connection and go investigate.
  • They discover that all the kids went to a pool and the chlorine containers has a chemical that when combined with water mimics lead poisoning and is manufactured by Morgan Edge.
  • Morgan Edge knocks Lena out and puts her on an automated plane loaded with the same chemicals and Supergirl saves the day but the plane is destroyed.
  • Supergirl goes to confront Morgan about the situation but there is nothing to tie him to the chemicals or the plane at this point. L corp. synthesizes an antidote to the poisoning.
  • Morgan edge is cunning and will be doing a lot of things to sabotage Lena and drag her name and companies through the mud
  • Sam, Lena, and Kara will continue to get close which will cause all the more drama when Sam becomes reign and potentially Sam goes into a different state of mind. 
Next Episode: We are going to Midvale!
