Supergirl S3E06

Things that happened:
  • Road trip for the Danvers sisters!
  • I like that Alex is upset that her Dad had to leave because of Kara.
  • The agent that comes to Kara's house and looks like her mom turns out to be J'onn.
  • J'onn was keeping his promise to Jeramiah to keep an eye out for his girls.
  • I like that they used j'onn's car 
Top Moments:
  • I like that we get to see that the sisters were not always close when Kara first showed up on earth. I like that we see the girls have their strengths like Kara and P.E. and Alex and history.
  • We are introduced to Kenny who is Kara's friend and we see her sneak out at night to meet him. Kara then finds out that he died. Both girls end up in the forest and find Kenny's laptop.
  • The girls find an incriminating picture of the teacher Mr. Bernard and a student and the girls almost get hurt. An FBI (DEO) agent comes to tell Kara to be careful and not use her powers.
  • Turns out that Mr. Bernard isn't the one who killed Kenny and Alex tells Sherriff Collins. More pictures off of Kenny's laptop show Sherriff Collins. Alex is in danger and Kara saves her.
  • We see that the girls are now close and we see Kara promise to be "Human" and that she doesn't want to lose Alex. They're given Kenny's telescope and we see then use it in present.
  • The ship under national city will come into play and all of the people in the cryo tube will be revealed sooner rather then later.
  • Sam, Lena, and Kara will get close which will cause all the more drama when Sam becomes reign and potentially Sam goes into a different state of mind. 
Next Episode: Mon-El is back?
