Supergirl S3E07

Things that happened:
  • Samantha is continuing to realize her powers and to test them
  • J'onns Father has been hanging out in the DEO
  • Samantha was kicked out of the house when she got pregnant with Ruby
  • J'onn's father points out that J'onn is tied to his work when they have a little outing.
  • We find out that for Mon-El its been 7 years since he was launched in the pod.
  • J'onns father reminds him to enjoy the beauty of life and get an apartment together.
Top Moments:
  • The ship underwater is discovered that has been there for many years and is made of a metal unknown to humans. J'onn phases through the ground and into the ship with Kara and Winn.
  • Mon-el is discovered on the ship. Samantha goes to visit her adoptive mom to ask her questions and her mom shows her the pod that she came to earth in and she takes something.
  • Mon-El tries to steal a device from the DEO. Winn tries to talk to Mon-El and Mon-el gets Winn to help him get back to the ship where the device is used to stabilize the pods.
  • We find out that the wormhole transported Mon-El to the 31st century. Meanwhile, the device fails and Saturn girl (Emra) emerges. We later learn that she is Mon-El's wife.
  • Samantha goes on a trip and she uses the device from her pod to guide her and she discovers the "Fortress of sanctuary" in the dessert and becomes reign.
  • The 4 other passengers on the ship will be revealed over the course of the season and we might find out or have confirmation that they are called the legion of superheroes. 
  • I think reign is going to start exacting her revenge come the midseason finale and that her daughter will be the key to stopping her or getting her back to normal.
Next Episode: Crossover!
