Arrow S6E09

Cool Thing
  • Auntie Thea and William at the wedding party and Felicity's parents are back.
  • Felicities parents are back together maybe? 
  • We find out that on Earth-2 Black Siren's father died when she was 13.
  • Rene and his daughter are back together for the time being.
  • We find out that Cayden has a camera hidden in the 
Top Moments:
  • Oliver and Felicity have a wedding party. Quentin gives Oliver a heirloom watch and Curtis and Rene give speeches. The FBI now has a witness and it is someone from the team.
  • Dinah meets with Vigilante and tells him to leave. Black Siren kidnaps Quentin and attacks Thea for Cayden James as leverage to get the team to steel something from ARGUS for him.
  • Oliver accuses Dinah of being the one to tell the police and the team is divided and Rene confesses to being the one to testify against Oliver because Samanda had dirt on him.
  • Oliver and Thea get a nice moment where she reminds him to see things through Rene's eyes. The team goes to save Quentin and trade for an amplifier but they tampered with it.
  • Black Siren lets Quentin go and the team get him back. When they get back to the arrow cave Oliver confronts Rene and kicks him off the team and Dinah and Curtis quit.
  • We end the episode with Vigilante, Black Siren, Anatoly, Cayden James, and Richard Dragon 
    • I think we will get a kind if redemption arc in the back half of the season for Black Siren and get to know more of her history in Earth-2.
    • I think the team will get back together when they discover that all of these people have teamed up against them and have been spying on them.
    Next Episode: New team? Vilains teaming up?
