Freedom Fighters: The Ray S1 E01-E06

Episode 1
  • We start in Tulsa, Oklahoma where we see the freedom fighters, the Ray, Phantom Lady, Black Condor, Red Tornado and Doll Man, help some refuges escape.
  • Phantom lady's powers are interesting to me and want to know more. The Freedom Fighters are met by Overgirl, Dark Flash,and Dark Arrow and they try to protect the refuges.
Episode 2
  • We get shots of Overgirl fighting Red Tornado and Black condor, who can control objects, Phantom Lady, and Doll Man, who can alter his size, fighting Dark Arrow.
  • The Ray does some damage to Dark Flash. Overgirl attacks red Tornado and damages him severely and they now have to keep the Neural Cortex out of the Reichmen's hands.
  • Earth-X Cisco comes in just in time but not in time to save Doll Man from one of Overgirls laser beams. The Ray ends up going through the portal by himself with the cortex.
Episode 3
  • We see the freedom fighters doppelgangers of Earth-1 are housing lawyers? and we get a little bit of backstory on the Ray to understand why he wants to help underserved people.
  • The boss shuts down their department and we learn that the Ray has not come out to his family. His family is very conservative and his brother joined the Military.
  • The Ray from Earth-X then portals in and stumbles upon his doppelganger and we see the Earth-X Ray pass his powers to Earth-1 Ray green lantern style along with the cortex.
Episode 4
  • The Ray visits Earth-1 Black Condor and the neural cortex gives ray a run down of Earth-X and its history and tells him to destroy the cortex. We then see the Rays powers manifest.
  • Overgirl seems to be in charge and they are in search of the neural cortex in order to find the resistance base. Phantom Lady, Black Condor, and Vibe managed to get away as well.
Episode 5
  • Earth-1 Black Condor and the Ray in a field testing his powers out including light rays and flying. Earth-1 Cisco and star labs have identified the Ray and the radiation over Tulsa.
  • The Ray finally talks to the guy at the Bar, named Jacob, and they run into a mugging and the Ray uses his powers to save the two girls and capture the criminal.
Episode 6
  • The ray seems to have gotten an handle on his powers as he stops a bank robbery and gets hurt. Earth-X Cisco is looking for The Ray and is knocked out by the Reichmen.
  • The use Cisco's Data to find out what earth The Ray is on and they attack him and presumably takes him back to earth-X where we meet him in the Prison.
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