Supergirl S3E09

Things that happened:
  • The finales are always Christmas themed!
  • Samantha and Ruby have a moment and Samantha gives ruby a Supergirl Necklace
  • Kara is still beat up about Mon-El being married to Imra.
  • Reign seems to be attacking "Bad" people 
  • Lena and James have chemistry 
Top Moments:
  • Samantha clearly does not remember her trip and when she is reign. Mon-El and Imra introduce themselves as the Legion of Superheroes from the 31st century.
  • Kara has a Holiday party that everyone comes out to. J'onn and Kara go investigate a crop burning that is reigns symbol. Lena thinks the crop circles is Morgan edge.
  • Kara gets a call from the Faith leader and he lets her know about the worldkiller. James and Lena find themselves in a bit of trouble and James uses his guardian shield.
  • Reign interrupts a drug deal and kills everyone in a gang. Lena accuses Morgan edge of hiring someone to attack her in front on Samantha. Reign then goes to attack Morgan edge. 
  • Kara Confronts Reign and they fight tearing up a building in the middle of an office party and reign is a tough match for Kara as she is defeated and knocked out by reign.
  • Kara might be out of commission for a little while and definitely needs to recover from the beating she just got from reign.
  • More of the Legion of superheroes will be introduced and will cover for Kara while she is Out of Commission and we get the rings.
Next Episode: Legion of Superheroes!
