Arrow S6E10

Cool Thing
  • Vigilante isn't killing people in order to get on Dinah's good side and they go on a walk.
  • Felicity finds out that the cave is bugged. 
  • Thea is back in the mayors office. I love her relationship with Quentin.
  • Diggle gets to help Oliver by controlling t-spheres remotely
  • Jerry Bertonelli is killed by Richard dragon.
  • Curtis finally fixed his chip to help Diggle.
Top Moments:
  • Jerry Bertonelli gets a visit from Cayden James, Richard Dragon, and Black Siren to buy his port. Bertonelli then tells Oliver to tell him about these villains and to give his security footage.
  • Rene has custody of his daughter and Curtis is going to try and delete evidence the FBI has on Rene. Oliver goes in by himself and is met will the full force of the team of villains
  • Diggle suggests the team come back together but Oliver is against it. Felicity and Diggle tell Curtis, Rene, and Dinah about the breech and Oliver enlists the help of Jerry Bertonelli.
  • Dinah confronts Vince and gets attacked. Curtis discovers the info the FBI has against Rene might have been from Cayden and Curtis, Dinah, and Rene form their own team.
  • Oliver sets a trap at the port that Cayden takes. In the end Cayden now has control of the port. Oliver calls everyone together but the two teams still decide to stay separate. Diggle is back.
    • Quentin and Thea are going to try and redeem Black Siren.
    • Vince is going to turn on Dinah and i predict Vince is not gonna survive.
    Next Episode: Cayden James is gonna reek havoc on the city and its electronics.
