Arrow S6E11

Cool Thing
  • We see Oliver teaching William some archery
  • Cayden James's attack kills Police chief Pike and a council member.
  • when Felicity "stopped" Cayden controlling the internet turns out she was helping him
  • Felicity and William have a great talk about making sacrifices
  • Felicity tries to track down what evidence Cayden has that suggest Oliver killed his son.
Top Moments:
  • James has taken control of city tech causing crashes, shutting off life support, and electrocuting people in elevators. Vigilante reaches out and says he is on their side. 
  • New team Arrow goes to stop subways from crashing and Dinah uses her cry to stop one of the trains. Oliver goes to prevent Cayden from collapsing a tunnel that goes out the city
  • William is in that tunnel with his classmates on a buss and helps his classmates get out. William  now knows that Oliver has been lying. Oliver sets up safe zones for Citizens to go.
  • New team arrow struggles with deciding if Vigilante can be trusted. Vigilante alerts Curtis that he is going to hit one of the safe zones and both teams move in to stop them.
  • Oliver finally talks to his son and he seems to understand that the City needs the green arrow. Oliver is forced to wire the money to Cayden in order to prevent a catastrophic event.
    • I foresee William possibly becoming something more on team arrow now that he knows
    • I still think Vigilante is not all that he is cracked up to be and is keeping secrets. 
    Next Episode: Bomb!
