Black Lightning | The Resurrection Scene 1 | The CW

Black Lightning | Take Charge Teaser | The CW
  • "FIRST THOUGHTS: Nothing special and no new footage just a great promo for Black Lightning | Take Charge Teaser | The CW via "

Black Lightning | The Resurrection Scene 1 | The CW
We see Jefferson and his daughters have gotten pulled over by the police and Jefferson is pulled out the car while Anissa is filming using her phone. The police officer hand cuffs Jefferson while another is holding a gun to the car with his daughters. The officer pulls Jefferson to his car to have a witness See if she recognizes him from a robbery at a liquor store which she doesn't.We see Jefferson get angry and his powers start to manifest causing lights around him to go out.

Black Lightning | Nafessa Williams “Anissa Pierce” Interview | The CW
So the Gala that we saw is a fundraiser for Garfield High School and we learn that Anissa is a bit of a activist and was out protesting the 100 gang before or right after the fundraiser because both Jefferson and Anissa are wearing the outfits we see them in at the Fundraiser. oh and we get an extended look at the scene where she flips the guy from the 100 gang.

Side note: Anissa and Jefferson are wearing the same fundraiser outfits in the resurrection scene. Additionally in a previous trailer we saw the sisters at the police station and Jennifer handing her sister that same dress to wear. Putting this all together it seems that Anissa was out protesting and now they are on the way to the fundraiser when they get pulled over.

YouTube video discussing these trailers:
Truetalk Breakdown: Black Lightning - Episode 1 Scene

Anyways guys I'll keep you posted on anything new to come out in the next days and catch my Tuesday with an episode 1 review video :)
