Black Lightning S1E01

YouTube Video: Truetalk Reviews: Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 1

Watch the video review! below is just my own quick notes

Main Points:
Olympic Gold Metal Winner
'Lady eve
Bullet proof? or at least bullet resistant.
Anissa's powers Manifesting

Quick rundown of what happened:
Anissa arrested for protesting
Getting pulled over by the police
China going to the club and Jefferson follows
Gets himself in a bit of trouble and attacks some cops using his powers
Jefferson goes to Gambi's shop and gets stitched up
Gambi tries to convince him to be black lightning again
100 gang member coming to the school to confront china
Jefferson goes to talk to LaLa
jeffersons daughters get kidnapped by the 100 gang member
Jefferson goes to Gambi who has been designing a new suit
Jefferson goes to the motel as black lightning
LaLa gets talked to by Tobais
Anissa manifests her powers
