Supergirl S3E11

Things that happened:
  • Alex is babysitting Ruby and she gets a text from Maggie
  • Alex helps Ruby take care of a cyberbully
  • Winn is bale to reestablish communication with the legion ship
  • We see that Samantha's worst fear is losing her daughter
  • The other names of the other world killers are Purity and Pestilence 
Top Moments:
  • An inmate of fort Rozz, which is now orbiting a blue star (no powers for Kara) and is toxic to men, has information on reign. Kara enlists the help of Saturn girl, Livewire, and Psi.
  • Reign is called to her fortress in the middle of a workday and is tasked with stopping supergirl from getting information. The group is attacked and come across another criminal.
  • They get directions to Priestess Rozz and go to locate her. Reign makes her way to Fort Rozz and kills the priestess and we find out that reigns powers is not dependent on a yellow sun.
  • Livewire tries to take on Reign and gets hit ultimately dying. Psi is able to subdue Reign and the Samantha personality comes through for a minute before she reverts and retreats. 
  • Samantha now realizes that she is missing time and didn't go on her business trip like she said. We see another world killer be born when trying to save a friend from getting hit by a car. 
  • Now that Smanatha kinda realizes what is going on with her she will try to seek out answers and will ultimately figure out that she is reign.
  • We will Meet these other world killers throughout the rest of the season.
Next Episode: More havoc in the city!
