Supergirl S3E12

Things that happened:
  • Kara has a nightmare about reign and the other world killers.
  • Supergirl is struggling with the idea of when the world killers will strike.
  • Lilian Luthor is back and is bringing out the Luthor in Lena
  • Lilian is going to jail until further notice.
Top Moments:
  • Mon-el and the team surmise that the world killers are genetically modified kryptonians Morgan edge had a near death experience after his car steers itself and blames Lena.
  • Alex is helping Sam and does a CAT scan on her and it comes back normal and is able to take a blood sample. Lena is poisoned by someone presumably under Morgan edges instruction.
  • Guardian pays a visit to Morgan Edge. The only clue they have of who killed the guy that poisoned her is that the bullet disappeared and Lena discovers that is was her mother all along.
  • Sam tells everyone about her blackouts and Lena confesses that She threatened Edge's life and that her mom is back and is planning on killing Morgan edge using a drone.
  • Lena manages to get a confession out of edge and Lilian Luther's drone turns into a Lex suit that can be used against Supergirl. Winn has located possible world killers.
  • Seeing as purity was up on the list that Winn put together the other world killer pestilence should be one of the other three. 
  • I think Sam is going to finally put things together and realize that she is Reign now that all of the test have come back clean.
Next Episode: We meet Purity!
