Black Lightning S1E04

  • Green Light
  • Lady eve is just amazing 
  • Dinner scene 
  • new tech
  • Anissa and grace
  • Khalil being turned by Tobias
Things that happened:
  • The episode opens up with a student overdosed on drugs and Anissa stopping two students from buying drugs off of some thugs. Gambi explains that the drug is called green light.
  • Black Lightning is out on the street to try to find out who is selling the drug. Tobias meets with Lady eve and seems like his reputation is suffering because Black Lightning is not dead.
  • Jefferson meets with the kid that overdosed to get information out of him on how sold him the drugs. He calls Gambi and they find out that the dude who sold the drugs overdosed.
  • Jennifer goes to see Khalil in the hospital and see how his physical therapy is going and to see if he can walk again. Tobias whale pays a visit to the Coroner and kills him.
  • Jennifer's parents are worried about her. The Pierces and the Hendersons are having a family dinner and Anissa is voicing her support of Black Lightning. She leaves and finds those thugs.
  • Jefferson goes down to the drug dealer "two bits" to "warn" him about the police to get some info. Black Lightning then visits and gets the location of the warehouse.
  • Jennifer is hanging out with Khalil again and tells him she quit track and sees that he misses being able to run track. The board of the school wants to expel the student that overdosed.
  • Tobias feeds a rat to his Piranha and his sister comes to town to help him take down black lightning. Black Lightning has some new technology that allows is to "see" electricity.
  • Anissa is hanging out with grace when grace gets jumped. Anissa then uses her powers and lets the guys have it while black lightning is searching the warehouse. Gambi goes to investigate.
  • Tobias and his sister plan to use Khalil against Black Lightning. Jefferson makes a visit to Khalil to deliver the news that he will never walk again because his spin is severed.
  • Lynn is a doctor!? Bernard's Dad calls Jefferson for help after the 100 gang beats him up and is holding the son hostage. Tobias whale makes a visit to Khalil after gifts and paying his bills.
