Black Lightning S1E05

  • New powers!
  • "The black Signal"
  • Jennifer's costume
  • Tobias whale has some kind of serum that allows him not to age? 
  • Higher ups
  • Tobias backstory
Things that happened:
  • We start off with Jefferson using his powers to allow him to fly and he stops the police from killing a dude that is high on green light. Gambi gets a visit from Tobias whale.
  • It is revealed that Tobias has some kind of serum running through his veins that stops him from aging. Jennifer and her friend go roller skating and she gets into a fight with some girls.
  • Jefferson is having headaches. Gambi locates the chemical from the truck and it is reveled that Joey Toledo, Whales right hand man and killer of Jefferson's dad, is running the chemicals.
  • Jefferson passes out and Gambi calls Lynn to figure out what is wrong with him. Whale gets advice from his sister and we get a flashback of his father or adoptive father?
  • We find out that Tobias is working for a high organization and is working towards getting a seat with the higher ups but because of Black lightning is being limited to the 100 gang.
  • Anissa goes to her father to talk about her grandfather and then she goes to the Freeland gazette to ask about articles about missing kids but he reacts negatively and refuses to tell her.
  • Jefferson meets with Henderson to tell him about Toledo and give him a phone to contact him AKA " the black signal." Lynn is still checking up on Jefferson after his pass out.
  • The girl Jennifer fought and her family stopped by the house and Jennifer parents learn the truth and punish Jennifer. Anissa manages to get the files about her grandfather and a warning..
  • Tobias and Tori visit their father and break his back to leave him to a slow death. After looking through the files Anissa comes across ASF or Anvil Storage Facility. 
  • Jefferson and Jennifer talk about her fighting and regulating emotions. Jennifer's old costume rips and she goes shopping for a new one. Henderson gives Jefferson information on Toledo.
  • Anissa goes to AFS in her now outfit and locates a storage container and locates a safe with a bottle of something. Black Lightning locates Toledo but his suit is giving him issues. 
